Stones and Shells
Hušták Daniel
Stones and Shells, 2019
60 x 40 cm
Inkjet print, archive paper Canson Infinity Rag Photographique
Collection The Holyday
limited edition of 5 author´s copies
The Holyday, 2019
In this collection I focus on the stereotypes connected with the Czech society. I intend to capture the so-called Czechness in the photographs and also to create a sort of a prototype of a typical Czech vacation. For this purpose, I have chosen the holiday destination most popular for the Czechs, Croatia.
I have worked on a principle of pairs. In these, I always combine an authentic picture from a holiday stay, downloaded from the Rajč website, and a studio photo. The studio pictures develop on, paraphrase or complete the actual ones. They can function both in the original pair sets as well as they can be read and interpreted separately.
Humour and irony are the key elements of the work as it was my primary attitude to choose the most bizarre phenomena of the Czech vacations. In some cases, however, I simply develop on the amateur pictures by my own free association (e.g. the pair a bus x inflatable pillow or scuba-diving x a Rama box containing shells and pebbles etc.). D. H.
Info o autorovi
* 7. 12. 1990, Praha
2016 – 2019 Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko – přírodovědecká fakulta, Institut tvůrčí fotografie, magisterský program
2011 – 2015 Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko – přírodovědecká fakulta, Institut tvůrčí fotografie, bakalářský program
2009 – 2011 SOU Služeb, Praha 9, Podnikání, dvouleté maturitní nástavbové studium
2007 – 2009 SOU Služeb, Praha 9, Fotograf, tříleté učňovské studium
Samostatné výstavy:
2019 Čechy Čechům, kino Kotva, České Budějovice
2019 Čechy Čechům, Leica gallery Prague, Praha
Vybrané společné výstavy:
2020 Tři dekády, Dům U Černé Matky Boží, Praha
2019 Visegrád 30 let po pádu Berlínské zdi, Galerie Michalský dvůr, Bratislava
2019 Divočina, Blatenský fotofestival, Blatná
2019 ITF na Prague Photo, Clam-Gallasův palác, Prague Photo, Praha
2018 Svoboda, Blatenský fotofestival, Blatná
Publikace / katalogy:
2020 Tři dekády, Institut tvůrčí fotografie 1990 – 2020, Praha
2019 Katalog Mesiac fotografie, Bratislava
2019 FOTO č. 36, časopis, Brno
2019 Katalog Blatenský fotofestival, Blatná
2018 Katalog Blatenský fotofestival, Blatná