In the Gorge
Heres Jan
In the Gorge, 2024
140 x 130 cm
acrylic on canvas
According to legend, Shun Feng Er and Qian Li Yan were originally two demonic warriors. These brothers were distinguished by their supernatural abilities – one had exceptional eyesight and the other extraordinary hearing. Together, they harmed people and used their abilities to sow chaos. Mazu, the goddess of the sea, confronted them in battle. Thanks to her wisdom and spiritual power, she was able to defeat them. When the brothers recognized her divine power, they acknowledged their defeat, swore allegiance, and offered their abilities to her service. Since then, they have become her loyal helpers and protectors of sailors.
This series of paintings was created as a response to my stay in Taiwan in February and March 2024, where I was inspired by the local culture. I work with the airbrush technique, which allows me to achieve a specific visual effect. I combine it with sprays, clean surfaces, and expressive brushstrokes. J. H.
In case of serious interest, it is possible to arrange a visit to the studio to see the painting. Info and reservation: jana lastovka
Tel.: +420 608 46 22 11
Info o autorovi
* 2. 2.1992, St. Gallen, Švýcarsko
2011 – 2017 Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze, ateliér malířství III, škola doc. Michaela Rittsteina
2007 – 2011 Střední umělecká škola Václava Hollara, Praha
Stipendia a rezidence:
2022 zahraniční rezidence v Miami, THINK+feel contemporary Art Gallery, USA
Vybrané samostatné výstavy:
2023 House of Menander, The Chemistry Gallery, Praha
2022 Bite Back, Galerie Felixe Jeneweina, Kutná Hora

Vybrané skupinové výstavy:
2024 Art in Libeň, Jan Heres, Hana Sommerová, Petr Gruber, Tomáš Honz, Marta Gruber, David
Kolovratník, Galerie Beseder, Praha
2024 Spřízněni volbou, The Chemistry Gallery, Galerie Portheimka, Praha
2024 So Close, Yet So Far Away, Jan Heres, Laura Limbourg, Markéta Kolářová, THINK+feel
Contemporary, Miami, Florida
2023 Art Prague, Youngrealart, Clam-Gallasův palác, Praha
2023 Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Jan Heres, Martin Kačmárek, Dominika Kováčíková, Jan Soumar,
DOT. Contemporary, Bratislava, Slovensko
2023 One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor, The Chemistry Gallery, Dům Radost, Praha
2023 Dragon Fruit, Jan Heres, Laura Limbourg, Markéta Kolářová, Kampus Hybernská, Praha
2023 In Arte Voluptas, The Chemistry Gallery, Galerie Portheimka, Praha
2016 Na půl: Adéla Lustigová a Jan Heres, Galerie Via Art, Praha
2013 12. ESID – Pražské vítání jara, Galerie K4, Praha
2013 Okolní svět, Národní technická knihovna, Praha
2012 XII let ateliéru malířství III doc. Michaela Rittsteina, Velvyslanectví České Republiky ve Vídni, Rakousko
2012 Figurama, Galerie Fakulty architektury, ČVUT v Praze
2021 Finalista 14. Ročník Ceny kritiky umění za mladou malbu, Galerie Kritiků, Praha (CZ)