Mazanec David

1988, Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic
2008 - 2013 FINE ART, University of Ostrava (Studio of Painting of prof. ak. mal. Daniel Balaban), CZ
2011 - 2012 FINE ART, University of Granada, ES
Solo Exhibitions:
2022 Co a jak, galerie Caesar, Olomouc, CZ
2021 Que y como, Jatka 78, Prague, CZ
2020 Na barevném písečku, Muzeum východních Čech, Hradec Králové
2020 Láskovražda (s Janem Heresem), Galerie Sokol, Brandýs nad Orlicí
2018 Tak Move !, Bernard Bolzano Gallery, Těchobuz, CZ
2018 Atlanti v lesu (with Jiri Kucera), Vlastimil Rada Gallery, Zelezny Brod, CZ
2016 Skrznaskrz, Cafe in Seven Heaven, Prague, CZ
2016 Earth flies movement (+ Michaela Bachoríkova), Hip running club, Prague, CZ
2016 Bon voyage, Gallery Strada del Vino, Prague, CZ
2015 Torn Illusion, Gallery Hi Hi Hi, Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ
2015 Gushing Water, Mezera Gallery, Ostrava, CZ
2013 Smooth Formations, 3+1 Caffe, Prague, CZ
2013 Few Lines, Fox Gallery, Prague, CZ
2009 From Elsewhere, 3+1 Caffe, Prague, CZ
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2022 Severočeská sbírka, Muzeum a Pojizerská galerie, Semily, CZ
2022 Row row row Račice, Pop-up galley Sportin art, Labe Aréna Račice, CZ
2022 „Mythologies“, Cathy Gallery, Furth im Wald,GE
2019 Heavy dots, pavilion G&B beads, Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ
2019 Three meters, Gallery 1, Prague 1, CZ
2019 Borderland establishes a connection, Cultural History Museum, Zittau, GE
2018 Glass painting is not lost, Frantisek Gallery, Sazava, CZ
2018 Czas, Galeria BWA, Jelenia Gora, Poland, CZ
2017 Fifth through Thirties, Gallery Patra, Prague, CZ
2017 Neighbors, Textile Slezan, Frýdek-Místek, CZ
2017 Location, Josef Jíra Gallery, Malá Skála, CZ
2016 Miejsce, BWA Gallery, Jelenia Góra, PL
2016 Art walk, Villa of Mystery, Hradec Kralove, CZ
2016 Wail of silence, 1435mm Freight Station Žižkov, Prague, CZ
2016 Art Prague, Kafka House, Prague, CZ
2015 New future, Vestředni Gallery, Pilsen, CZ
2015 The value of art in the framework of the festival "Lostness?", Železný Brod, CZ
2015 Young Art Forum, Städtische Galerie “Leerer Beutel”, Regensburg, Germany, GE
2015 New future, Vestředni Gallery, Pilsen, CZ
2016 Silent Wail, Nakladove nadrazi Zizkov, Prague, CZ
2015 Painters of Pojizeri, Pojizerska Museum and Gallery, Semily, CZ
2014 9th International Biennial of Drawing Pilsen 2014, Pilsen City Gallery, CZ
2014 Eroticism in Art, Fox Gallery, Prague, CZ
2013 The Small Maur on a Horse or the Abstract Faith in Human Beings, Cooltour Multidisciplinary Contemporary Arts Centre, Ostrava, CZ
2014 Award for the Best Quality, 9th International Biennal of Drawing Pilsen 2014, Pilsen, CZ
2010 Prize of the Rector, University of Ostrava, CZ
All artworks (63) Available artworks (32)
Echoes of Art Prague
The 22nd edition of the Art Prague contemporary art fair took place in Prague during the first week of November 2023. It offered works from almost all art disciplines, from painting, drawing, and graphics to sculpture and installation.
Art Prague 2023: contemporary art fair
The 22nd edition of Art Prague, the leading contemporary art fair in the Czech Republic, will take place in Prague from October 31 to November 5, 2023. The fair will be held in the newly renovated Clam-Gallas Palace, located on the corner of Karlova and Husova Streets.