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Mootz Maxmilián Aaron

*1995, Prague



2023 - present Academy of Fine Arts, Painting 2 (Milan Mikuláštík, Julius Reichel, Aleš Zapletal)

2022 UCM Faculdad des Bellas Artes, Cuenca / erasmus

2019 Academy of Fine Arts, Painting 2, Vladimír Skrepl, Jan Šerých

2018 VOŠ Hellichova, Publishing production

Selected solo exhibitions:

2024 EXPOSED, Hidden gallery Holešovice, Prague

2023 Absolute cottage, mamáč Londýnská, Prague

2023 Postanimal, PageFive, Prague 2022 Postdomesticus, KD Duha, Prostějov

2022 Index of turn, Aquarium Rhizome-Karpuchina gallery, Prague

2022 Artakeway, Metro Prague 2022 Presupuesto Cero, Cuenca, Spain (concept, curator)

2021 Me-Core, Dvojka, Prague

2020 Prolog/Linka B, Saudade, Prague 2019 SkicXL, Skatepark Lužiny, Prague

2018 My flat, Prague

2018 5pcs, Cibulecký háj, Prague


Selected group exhibitions:

2023 Miroslav Petříček: Thinking through Images, GHMP Mariánské nám., Prague

2023 STROP: MAL2, Hidden gallery Holešovice, Prague

2023 48h Countdown: MAL2, GAP, Znojmo

2023 Walking straight on a crooked path, GVUN, Náchod

2022 Us from FakeGucci, Holešovická šachta, Prague

2022 Okraje/Edges, Pokoje, Prague

2022 Artakeway, Metro Prague

2022 Hungry empty ghost, Galerie NTK, Prague

2021 Mr. and Mrs. Šmelo, Dům Radost Prague

2017 Ekspresse, Dobrá trafika, Prague


Award, scholarships and residences:

2024 Research and lecture, TALM-LE MANS - Ecole supérieure d'art et de design

2022 Erasmus, UCLM Bellas artes, Cuenca, Spain

2020 Studio prize MAL2

Artist's profile

Maxmilián Aaron Mootz

Never-ending exploration through play, occasionally a peck, sometimes a toy. An intuitively expressive painting, unmixed and large areas of rich colors, gestural lines, naivety and lack of anchor. Strict refusal to accept one form of expression, constant development and emancipation from established and learned ways of expression. For modern man, common themes such as the evolution of domestic animals in the post-anthropocene or the arrangement of cutlery in a cutlery drawer become the subjects of obsessively research-based series of paintings.
Other notable points of the work are the imitation of urban mimes, integration into established systems with unobtrusive yet visually impressive interventions.
The city and flânerie itself serve as the primary source of inspiration for paintings, interventions, objects and performances, and at the same time it is an unlimited field for the realization of the author's guerrilla exhibition presentations.