Koblic Walterová Martina

1988, Prague, Czech Republic
9/2024 - present Doctoral studies, studio Painting 1, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava
2008 - 2014 FINE ART, University of Ostrava (Studio of Painting of prof. ak. mal. Daniel Balaban & Studio of Painting of Mgr. Pavel Preisner), CZ
2010 FINE ART, University of Silesia, Katowice (Sculpture Studio of prof. dr hab. Andrzej Szarek & Painting Studio of prof. US dr hab. Elzbieta Kuraj), PL
Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2023 Strážci, Městská knihovna - Artotéka Opatov, Prague, CZ
2023 Výchova k přírodě, Jatka 78, Prague, CZ
2021 Defender from the Alpha Generation, Bastion IV, Josefov, CZ
2021 Personal Patchwork, Castle Zásmuky, Zásmuky, CZ
2018 Helou Maj Frend!, Kavárna co hledá jméno, Dudes & Barbies Gallery, Prague, CZ
2017 Back, Galerie Prokopka, Prague, CZ
2016 OCH!, Otevřená galerie Prokopka, Děčín, CZ
2015 Sit Down, Ukradená galérie, Děčín, CZ
2015 Third Carriadge, Studio Citadela, Prague, CZ
2015 I've Wanted to Take a Carriage Ride, Municipal Library Opatov / Artotheque, Prague, CZ
2014 I’ve Wanted to Take a Carriage Ride, Velvet Centre, Cihelná 1, Prague, CZ
Selected Group Exhibitions:
2023 Lucidum Intervallum, Františkánský klášter, Zásmuky, CZ
2022 LUSTR 9 Illustration Festival, Kampus Hybernská, Prague, CZ
2022 JIndřich Chalupecký Award 2022 Exhibition, Trade Fair Palace, Prague, CZ
2018 Searching For The Boundaries of Painting in a Post-media Environment, The Gallery Of Fine Arts Ostrava, Ostrava
2017 CANDY SHOP, The Chemistry Gallery, Quadrio, Prague, CZ
2017 Bumerang 7, Institute AAMI, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2016 Wail Of Silence, Nákladové Nádraží Žižkov, Galerie 1435mm, Prague, CZ
2014 Young Art Show, Art House, Piešťany, SR
2014 Glory Hole, Industra Gallery, Brno, CZ
2013 Malý Mour na koni aneb abstraktní víra v člověka, CoolTour, Ostrava, CZ
2013 Graduates 2013, The Gong Gallery, Ostrava, CZ
2012 (S)Loučení v Bodě C, with M. Hudec, Gallery ArtAtak, Prague, CZ