Pauko Peter

1982, Martin, Slovakia

Solo exhibitions:
2020 Nice view, Nitrianska Symagóga, SK
2023 Workspace, Bishop's Inn, Nitra, SK
2019 Hidden Spots, Acace oficce galery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
2018 Tri-Three Castle Čereňany, Slovak Republic
2018 EX-TERIER Gallery Foyer, Nitra, Slovakia
2016 Such a nice contemporary landscape painting, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2015 IMG 1324 - IMG 1345, Foyer Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2014 Painting, Foyer Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2009 Painting, Gallery Foyer, Nitra, Slovak Republic
Group exhibitions:
2019 Exhibition of the N89 Group, Nitra, SK
2019 Contemplations, Topoľčany City Gallery, SK
2013 I will give it to you, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2013 Body events 2013, Nový Jičín, Czech Republic
2008 Peter Pauko and Erik Feher play, City Gallery Topolcany, Slovak Republic
2008 Confrontations, Nitra Gallery, Nitra, Slovak Republic
2007 Painting, Creon Gallery. Šaľa, Slovak Republic
Artist's profile
„The theme of my current painting cycle is: Such a nice, contemporary landscaping. And it is the result of the sum of the following variables:
- landscape
- balans between the light artwork to the apartment (the so-called “couch”) and the artistic concept of landscaping
- balans between “the past (classical, oppressed, often boring, worn out) and” contemporary (inventive, unintentional, young …)
- A view of the landscape through the eyes of “the child of today”, i. me alone
The title of the cycle, somewhat ironically, is based on calling, the finding of a “majority” spectator: “Also nice!” “How dear!” Let the list of calls be complete, and let it be more relevant to my theme, I will add: “What a beautiful country!”. These summons stood at the beginning of the work. They were such a small detonator, maybe a spark. The flame was the challenge of artistically processing the theme that has been in the history of art culture for centuries. The theme of the landscape is the continuation of the last independent exhibition where I started with this theme. In my paintings I deal with the landscape. The theme attracted me rather with an emphasis on the location of the painting itself. What is important to me is the way of display, the use of art abbreviations, the use of stylization. the topic itself is just an add-on. All of this, including my study, had an impact on my paintings.
It is sometimes difficult for musicians to play the songs. It is difficult to find a new approach to them. A new approach to the musical work will usually be done by those who have a new approach to other aspects of life. To life as a whole. I tried to “play the songs” and give them a clear and understandable speech, but without the old one, without the laziness of the cheap and without (pseudo) complication of the snob.“