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Dogs on the moon

Strnadová Adéla

22,000 Kč

Dogs on the moon, 2023

65 x 75 cm

oil on canvas


About the artist

8th May 1999, Olomouc 



2019 - present - Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU), Vladimír Kokolia studio 

2015 - 2019 - VOŠUP and SUPŠ (Secondary school of art) Prague, branch Design of furniture and interior 


Group exhibitions: 

2023 Graphics of 2022, Hollar Foundation, Betlémská kaple - Lapidárium /Česká Galerie Moderního umění, Prague
2023 256 hours, Schule, Orlické hory

2022 Graphics of the year 2021, Foundation Hollar, Karolinum, Prague

2021 Krásno: SVĚDCI KOKOLIOVI, Jilská 14, Prague 

2021 Mikulov Art Symposium Dílna, castle, Mikulov 

2019 pop-up group exhibition SUPŠ, Pragovka gallery, Prague 

2018 street exhibition at the Festival La Strada, Mikulov 


Solo exhibition: 

2023 Portréty, Café Jericho, Prague

2022 solo exhibition “ALBUM” - Trigon, Prague 


Scholarships and residences:

2024 internship at École national supérieur d'art Dijon, France
2023 internship in the Graphic I studio under the supervision of David Böhm and Slavomíra Ondrušová

2021 Nomination for special graphic techniques at Graphics of the Year 2021 - category of student work - serigraphy

2021 design of the cover of Plav magazine 

2021 Mikulov Art Symposium “Dílna” 

2020 design of the cover of Plav magazine 

2018 intership at Escola Artística Soares dos Reis, Porto - Portugal 

2017 - 2016 internship in OneDay fashion studio, Prague