Pavel Samlik, Painter
Published 2017-01-02

Like Pavel often says - it was art that found him.
When he was a boy he never missed an opportunity to draw and paint. His passion prevailed, and painting became an inseparable part of his life - a way of capturing impressions and beauty of the surrounding world. Influenced by 19th century, French, landscape painters of the Barbizon School, Pavel sketches directly from nature - en plein air.
In 1830s the Baribizon School artists settled near Fontainebleau Forest in France to paint natural scenes of their native land. Painting en plein air allowed them to capture elements of nature, changes in light and weather and eternity. Characteristics of the Barbizon school are tonal qualities, colour, loose brushwork and softness of form. In a similar manner, Pavel paints his landscape scenes.
Afternoon, 2016, oil on canvas, 110 x 100 cm
Pavel works spontaneously, which allows him to convey the harmony of the landscape. He invites the spectator to sit back and savor the light breeze, breathe the sweet scent of the air before the storm and watch the morning mist, rolling over in meadows.
Despite the 19th century influence, Pavel's art is modern. He often includes abstract elements, which results in fresh, modern paintings. They celebrate the scenery of the present day and invite the spectator to cherish it.
As nature can also be brought indoors, paintings such as Cup and Indoor Plant have a well-deserved place in Pavel’s portfolio.
Left: Indoor Plant, 2007, oil on hardboard, 50 x 70 cm Right: Cup, 2016, oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm
Pavel with Czech senator Leopold Sulovsky and the founder of Young Real Art, Jana Lastovka at the opening of his exhibition at the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2016.